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Results for "author_first: "Habib Todd", author_last: "Boerger""
Nisf Sha’ban The Night of Fortune and Forgiveness in the Islamic calendar.
Amaze Your Friends and Confound Your Enemies Ideas for enhancing your personal fulfillment.
Isra and Mi’raj Celebrating the night journey of the Prophet Muhammad.
The Night of Power Dua A special prayer for this holy night.
I Promise A vow to strengthen and affirm our relationship with God.
Tawba A practice for accepting our mistakes and moving through them to God's forgiveness, mercy, and truth.
Salawat A prayer for blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad.
Promote Equality Ideas for promoting equality through affirming commonalities and recognizing the presence of the sacred in others.
Develop a Plan for Disaster Preparedness A recommendation to foster connections and incorporate your spirituality in disaster preparedness and response.
Recite Mantras for Loving-Kindness A recommendation to create your own loving-kindness mantra based on your vision for our country and our world.